kenyan programmer

mostly about programming

Binary Tree Basics

[orgmode source]

1. Basics of Binary Search Trees

Each node has a maximum of two children. The value of the left child is less than the node's value. The value of the right child is greater than or equal to the node's value.

A node has a value, and pointers to right and left children.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Node:
    value: int
    left: 'Node' = None
    right: 'Node' = None

1.1. Building a BST

A tree can be represented as an object with a pointer to the root node. An insert method can be used to insert nodes to the correct position maintaining the expected order by value.

class BST:
    root: 'Node' = None

    def insert(self, value):
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = Node(value)
            self._insert_into_tree(self.root, value)

    def _insert_into_tree(self, node, value):
        if value < node.value:
            if node.left is None:
                node.left = Node(value)
                self._insert_into_tree(node.left, value)
            if node.right is None:
                node.right = Node(value)
                self._insert_into_tree(node.right, value)

We can then build a tree.

items = [7, 9, 5, 2, 7, 8, 10, 5]
tree = BST()
for i in items:

BST(root=Node(value=7, left=Node(value=5, left=Node(value=2, left=None, right=None), right=Node(value=5, left=None, right=None)), right=Node(value=9, left=Node(value=7, left=None, right=Node(value=8, left=None, right=None)), right=Node(value=10, left=None, right=None))))

At this point, the tree looks like below:


1.2. In order Traversal

For each node, the action is performed on the values in the left subtree, then the current node's value, then the value of the right subtree.

This can be used to perform an action in ascending order of values in the tree.

Here, the action would be to simply print out the node's value.

def action(value):
    print(value, end=" ")

1.2.1. Recursive

The traversing function is called recursively on each node

def inorder_recursive(node, action):
    if node.left:
        inorder_recursive(node.left, action)
    if node.right:
        inorder_recursive(node.right, action)

inorder_recursive(tree.root, action)
2 5 5 7 7 8 9 10

1.2.2. Iterative

Traversing iteratively uses a stack to track nodes to visit. We ensure that the nodes action is performed on the nodes in the correct order by inserting the nodes into the stack in reverse order.

Additionally, we keep track of nodes have been processed, i.e. their children inserted into the stack, to avoid getting stack in an infinite loop.

def inorder_iterative(node, action):
    stack = []
    processed = set()
    while stack:
        n = stack.pop()
        if id(n) in processed:
            if n.right:
            if n.left:

inorder_iterative(tree.root, action)
2 5 5 7 7 8 9 10

1.3. Pre-Order Traversal

For each node, the action is performed in the node's value, followed by the node's left subtree values then the node's right subtree values.

This can be used, for instance, to create a copy of the tree with the same structure since each parent node is visited before the children.

1.3.1. Recursive

def preorder_recursive(node, action):
    if node.left:
        preorder_recursive(node.left, action)
    if node.right:
        preorder_recursive(node.right, action)

preorder_recursive(tree.root, action)
7 5 2 5 9 7 8 10

1.3.2. Iterative

A stack is used to keep track of nodes to traverse. Action is performed in order of popping items from the stack

def preorder_iterative(node, action):
    stack = []
    while stack:
        n = stack.pop()
        if n.right:
        if n.left:

preorder_iterative(tree.root, action)
7 5 2 5 9 7 8 10

1.4. Post-Order Traversal

For each node, the action is performed on the left subtree values, then the right subtree values and finally the current node's values.

This can be used, for instance, to delete a tree, because each nodes children are processed before the node itself, all the way to the root.

1.4.1. Recursive

def postorder_recursive(node, action):
    if node.left:
        postorder_recursive(node.left, action)
    if node.right:
        postorder_recursive(node.right, action)

postorder_recursive(tree.root, action)
2 5 5 8 7 10 9 7

1.4.2. Iterative

def postorder_iterative(node, action):
    stack = []
    processed = set()
    while stack:
        n = stack.pop()
        if id(n) in processed:
            if n.right:
            if n.left:

postorder_iterative(tree.root, action)
2 5 5 8 7 10 9 7

1.5. Breadth first search

The examples we've been looking at so far demonstrate some form of depth first search, when we select a route down the tree, we traverse all terminal nodes before backtracking to a different route.

With breath first search, however, we traverse all the nodes at a particular level of the tree before moving on to the lower level.

To implement this, we make use of a queue instead for its First In First out semantics. The goal is to queue each level's nodes in order from left to right and as we retrieve them, we start queueing the next level's nodes following the same order.

We use python's deque data structure which is short for 'double ended queue'.

from collections import deque

def breadth_first(node, action):
    queue = deque()
    while queue:
        n = queue.popleft()
        if n.left:
        if n.right:

breadth_first(tree.root, action)
7 5 9 2 5 7 10 8

1.6. Deleting a node in a BST

To delete a node, we need to make sure that the BST property is maintained i.e. left_child.value <= parent.value <= right_child.value.

To do this, once we identify the node to delete, we replace either with the smallest valued node it its right subtree, or the largest valued node in its left subtree.

To demonstrate delete, we'll extend the existing BST class with delete functionality.

class BST2(BST):

    def delete(self, value):
        self._delete(self.root, value)

    def _delete(self, node, value):
        if node is None:
        if value < node.value:
            node.left = self._delete(node.left, value)
        elif value > node.value:
            node.right = self._delete(node.right, value)
            # Current node is to be deleted
            # Consider 3 possibilities
            # - no children
            # - one child
            # - two children
            if not node.right and not node.left:
                # no children
                node = None
            elif not node.right:
                # has a left child, replace
                node = node.left
            elif not node.left:
                # has a right child, replace
                node = node.right
                # has two children
                # two options, overwrite with smallest from right, or largest from left
                replacement_value = self._get_smallest(node.right)
                node.value = replacement_value

                # delete node with replacement value
                node.right = self._delete(node.right, replacement_value)
        return node

    def _get_smallest(self, node):
        while node.left:
            node = node.left
        return node.value

Next, we create a new tree and test deletion

tree2 = BST2()
for i in items:

assert tree2.root.value == 7
assert tree2.root.right.left.right.value == 8

# delete root

# topmost 4 should have been replace by the other 7
assert tree2.root.value == 7
assert tree2.root.right.left.value == 8

# delete root

assert tree2.root.value == 8
assert tree2.root.right.left is None

# topmost 5 replaced by second one
assert tree2.root.left.value == 5
assert tree2.root.left.right is None

# delete terminal node 10

assert tree2.root.right.value == 9
assert tree2.root.right.right is None


# right terminal node should have 2
assert tree2.root.left.value == 2
assert tree2.root.left.right is None